July 17, 2017
Silvia is not only a woman I admire for her sense of style and business mind, she’s also a friend. After spending some time as a buyer in the fashion industry, she launched her own handbag line a few years ago. The jeane & jax bags are stylish, practical, and more importantly vegan. So what’s her opinion about luxury?

Silvia Gallo, owner of jeane & jax
What does luxury mean to you?
It’s that little extra you treat yourself to or get spoiled with. It makes you feel you’re getting more than the average or ordinary. I always appreciate the simple things in life but sometimes it’s nice to add a little luxury to it!
How would you describe your job?
Thankfully, as an entrepreneur, what I do does not feel like a job. It has become a “way of life” and part of my everyday routine.
What are the first things you do when you wake up in the morning?
I check my emails and company social media pages. I always like to start my day by getting caught up with any emails that came in from China during the night and all activity on our news feeds. That’s also the last thing I do before going to bed.
What do you like the most about your job?
The fact that every day is different and I get to use both sides of my brain. It allows me to think both creatively and analytically at the same time.
Who are you most inspired by and why?
I am inspired by other entrepreneurs such as Richard Branson and Gary Vaynerchuk. They both take a modern approach to running their businesses and always keep up with the ever-changing times.
What would you tell people who aspire to work in your industry?
The Fashion Industry is not the easiest and requires you to be grounded. It is very materialistic and can be distracting. It should always be seen as a business first and then a creative outlet. People can be very creative in their designs, but if they don’t sell…there is no business!
Who influenced you in your career?
I’ve had several mentors in my career that taught me about the industry and guided me along the right path, but I would say my father was the person who has influenced and inspired me the most. As an entrepreneur, he taught me resilience, strength to persevere, and especially how to “hustle.” No matter how hard it was, or how tired he was, he never skipped a beat!
What skill set is needed to do what you do?
Resilience is definitely one of the most important skills to have as an entrepreneur. You also need to be very optimistic and open-minded. Thinking creatively is key and developing a thick skin to face adversity is a necessity.
What’s the most common misconception people have regarding your industry?
That the fashion industry is so glamorous!!!
What’s the best career advice you ever received?
Don’t wait for the right opportunities to come to you. You need to create your own opportunities. Nothing will just fall into your lap…go out there and make it happen!