Four Ways to Protect Your Home from the Elements

Structural damage, moisture, creepy crawlies and extreme temperatures, there are lots of ways the natural environment can take its toll on your home and on your family’s comfort.


Any damage to your home will cost money or reduce the market value of your property in the long-term. So it’s always worthwhile to take precautions before things get out of hand.  But what can you do to protect yourself, and what will be most cost-effective?

If you’re looking for some ideas to get you started, check out the list below for some top tips on protecting your home against the elements.


Whether you live in a hot, cold, or variable climate, one of the biggest challenges your property faces is temperature. Many of the negative effects of variable temperatures such as mould, damp, energy costs and property damage, can be solved by improving the insulation in your home.

If you live in an older property, you may find that your insulation is poor, non-existent, or no longer doing its job. If so, your home will be losing heat in the winter, and letting in moisture which does more than just aesthetic damage – rot, mould and damp can cause significant structural problems if left over time.

So if you suspect your property’s insulation is not as good as it could be, consult with a professional home insulation company and see what improvements can be made. If you are aware of problems with moisture particularly, this should be at the top of your list.

Creepy Crawlies  

Sometimes critters from the natural world are going to find their way into your home. And more often than not, it isn’t very pleasant. Some of the worst offenders – fleas, ticks, cockroaches, bedbugs, mosquitoes and rodents – do damage to your property and put the health of you and your family at risk.

Luckily, there are ways to protect against creepy crawlies getting the better of you. First things first, it’s crucial to keep things clean. This applies particularly to food waste, dust, pet hair and moisture, all of which can attract or conceal life we don’t want in the home.

Make sure all food containers are sealed off, avoid leaving food waste on table tops or dropped on the floor. Regularly give carpets and upholstery a thorough clean, check and treat your pets for fleas, and keep on top of moisture.

If you live in an area where ticks and mosquitoes are a problem, get in touch with an organisation like the Mosquito Authority of Edmonton who can provide tick and mosquito control services to stop these harmful critters from getting the best of your home.

Look out for cracks and gaps in walls, doors and windows and invest some time and money in sealing them up. Weather-stripping or door-seal kits can be used along door and window frames, and installing a door-closer will ensure forgetful kids don’t leave the house open to visitors.

Keep Gutters Clean

You might think a few leaves in the gutters couldn’t do any damage. Well, you’d be wrong! If drains and gutters get clogged, water running off the roof cannot escape and will likely end up in your internal walls or brickwork, sometimes doing serious damage.

So a quick, simple tip for helping protect your property against the elements is: regularly clean out your gutters. If it’s not something you are able to do yourself, it’s a great job the grandkids can do for a bit of extra pocket money. Just make sure the gutters are free of debris and that rainwater has somewhere to go.

Cracks and Leaks

Temperature extremes cause wood, brick, glass and concrete to expand and contract. This inevitably causes cracks in building materials, which lead to leaks, and structural nightmares.

Again, moisture is not your friend. Aside from causing damp, mould, creepy crawlies and structural damage, any moisture that finds its way into cracks will freeze in the winter, causing even greater spaces to open up, and further damp penetration.

Be on the lookout for cracks in walls, ceilings, brickwork and flooring and be sure to fix the issue as quickly as possible. If you notice a damp wall or wet patches on the ceiling, you likely have a crack nearby that needs some attention.

And there we have it! The first major step in protecting your home against the elements in sealing the property off from moisture, heat or cold, and creepy crawlies. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be well on your way to conquering mother nature.


*Collaborative post