May 2, 2017

Caroline Khangi, W hotel Insider
What does luxury mean to you?
If we think about it the conventional way, luxury is usually linked to a lavish lifestyle. But, to me, luxury can’t be bought. It’s made up of daily experiences that make me feel privileged. Last winter, during a trip, I came across a friend of mine. He invited me to one of my favourite artist’s concert. Little did I know, I found myself across the continent, in a local venue, where I got to talk about music with people that I admire. Even if I wanted to pay for this experience, I wouldn’t have been able to. That’s pure luxury!
How would you describe your job?
The Insiders are the Olivia Popes of the W hotels; “The Fixers”! On one hand, I build relationships with diverse organizations that make our city such a dynamic and stunning place to discover. On the other hand, I scan the W Montreal guests in order to find out what passionates them to then connect them personally to what this city has to offer. It’s the behind-the-scenes of Montreal that interest me! In brief, I organize WOW events that correspond to my definition of luxury.
Do you have any examples of a WOW moment?
While talking with a guest, I found out that his dream was to collaborate with a certain Montreal-based designer. I therefore invited him to join me for a visit at the designer’s workshop the next day to introduce them. He was so excited! He was like a child in a candy shop.
I often look up our VIPs before their arrival. One time, I found out that one of our guests was a huge fan of baseball. When he entered his room, he found a baseball signed by one of his favourite players on his bed. He still talks about it to this day!
I love laughing and joking around! A few weeks ago, we were waiting for an actor who was often half-naked in the last movie he was in. We offered him boxers with maple leaves printed all over them, designed by the local artist @whatisadam. A few moments later, he shared his laughter on social media.
What are the first things you do when you wake up?
A productive morning always starts with a dose of caffeine. Then, my curious self likes to look at art accounts such as Juxtapoz, travel accounts like The Culture Trip, food accounts like Tastet, design accounts like Dwell, and more. Then, I get ready while watching a TEDx podcast of someone who inspires me or I listen to a playlist that features up and coming artists.
What passionates you about your job?
There are so many things that interest me that even I get overwhelmed sometimes. I live with FOMO, and if I’m not the first person to find out about something, I feel guilty! I’m a bit obsessive compulsive, haha! When I first started working at the W, I quickly realized that this aspect of my personality is something that benefits our clients a lot. When they come back to me, stars in their eyes, I am filled with joy. Giving others the opportunity to live amazing experiences is a passion of mine, and it’s also extremely gratifying. Knowing that I’m part of the reason why they’ll have another great memory to add to their book makes me feel great.
Who is your biggest inspiration and why?
It’s really hard to only have one. I find my generation extremely inspiring. It’s full of hardworking women who want to make a change in the world. Not one week goes by without me having a #GirlCrush. Illustrator Mathilde Corbeille is always spot on with her drawings that tackle current news. Through her art, the talented Julie Artacho, photographer, redefines female representation. Humorist Mariana Mazza’s playful and raw speech opened a broader discussion of topics that are taboo in our society. I’ll stop here because the list is going to go on and on and on!
What would you tell people who aspire to work in your industry?
I worked in fashion before working in cultural event planning, and then worked in concert hall production before ending up where I am now. My tip doesn’t only apply to people who want to work in the hotel industry; Go for it! It’s totally fine to not work in the same industry you did your studies in. When it’s time for a career change, will and curiosity are worth way more than a diploma.
Are there people who influenced you in your career?
My childhood friend Rachel St-Amand. She’s like a big sister that we admire. She is hardworking and fearless. She tried everything, and although she fell back a few times, she got up stronger every time. Today, she is the owner of La Petite Touche, a company that organizes stunning events everywhere in Quebec. She always gave me great advices and just being able to grow old next to her pushes me to follow my instinct and never settle for less than what I want.
What are the biggest qualities necessary to succeed at doing what you do?
Knowing your city like the back of your hand, being creative, liking people and enjoying makes them happy!
What is a misconception people have of your job?
That it’s always glamorous! It’s true that a part of my job involves going to amazing events, but there’s also a part of my job that involves finding 4 different flavours of Doritos because a client is craving them.
What’s the best professional advice you’ve ever gotten?
The only limits are the ones we impose.